Mini F55 GPS problem


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May 27, 2024
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I want to ask for help! I have a 2016 F55 Minim, the head unit had to be replaced because the hard drive died. The specialist who made it put another head unit in it and everything works except the map! If you give the map a new address, it plans the route, but the starting point is the service location, and the position of the map is stuck there! No matter where you go, the situation remains at that point on the map! It's like he doesn't know where the car is! I checked the OABR connector, it connected well, we have already sold the antenna. Maybe someone has an idea? I also thought that it could be something with programming? We don't have an ATM unit, only TPL, could this be the problem?
Unfortunately, we haven't been able to use the map for a year, it's so annoying!


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There would be rather question why previously specialist did replace whole unit instead of only hdd.
Further diagnostics are needed to check what exact version of unit is installed.
Why did not return to specialist and not let him fix that issue?
He said that he would rather put another head unit in it. For 1 year, he has been promising that he is looking for a solution, but we can't get from 1 to 2! Everything works, only the map is stuck on the programming location! Someone said that the head unit is not receiving a signal. I also told him to reprogram it, but he doesn't really want to do it. But in my opinion, it only received a signal at some point because the programming location was entered into the car's memory!
This replacement unit have GPS port? Must check whats going on with reception/signal, because reflashing unit might not fix the issue.
with due respect to all service providers out there , I found that most of them have little to no experience when it comes to NBT and EVO repair , so it is easier to offer used headunit because they can patch it and call it a day .

As Admin said , looks like the headunit is not getting your current location , so either wrong hardware was provided or wrong coding . Or if you are the one who installed the headunit and your headunit has GPS socket , maybe you have missed that connector and it is not plugged to the headunit.

If you have picture of your original headunit and the donor headunit , then we can check if the donor headunit is compatible with your car specs.
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kellő tisztelettel az összes szolgáltatónak, azt tapasztaltam, hogy a legtöbbjüknek kevés vagy semmilyen tapasztalata nincs az NBT és az EVO javításában, így könnyebb használt fejegységet kínálni, mert javíthatják és naponta hívhatják.

Ahogy az admin mondta, úgy tűnik, hogy a fejegység nem kapja meg az aktuális helyét, tehát vagy rossz hardvert biztosítottak, vagy rossz kódolást. Vagy ha Ön telepítette a fejegységet, és a fejegysége rendelkezik GPS-aljzattal, akkor lehet, hogy elmulasztotta azt a csatlakozót, és nincs csatlakoztatva a fejegységhez.

Ha van képe az eredeti fejegységről és a donor fejegységről, akkor ellenőrizni tudjuk, hogy a donor fejegység kompatibilis-e az autó specifikációival.

Szia! Ez volt benne eredetileg:


Ezt rakták most bele:
Minden működik, kivéve a GPS-t. Nincs mód annak ellenőrzésére, hogy kap-e jelet? Vagy nincs kikapcsolva a programozásban?
@bremboopc respect others and write in forum language which is English!

Regarding pictures- front and back pictures of unit are what needed.

Ez van benne most, hasonló volt korábban, a kábeleket már a szerelő csatlakoztatta:
This is what is in it now, it was similar before, the cables were already connected by the mechanic:
The old one was like that
unfortunately I don't have a picture of this
We assume that gps cable is plugged in?
It might be coding, it might not be.... In situations like these i use spare GPS aftermarket antenna and plug it in and leaving it on the dashboard, then check for the signal.
You can also enable service menu and check plain gps position numbers.
Call up the start menu

Push the controller up (left Fxx without navigation, or with Business Navigation) for at least 10 seconds

Controller 3 detents to the right

Controller 3 detents to the left

Controller 1 detent to the right

Controller 1 detent to the left

Controller 1 detent to the right

Press the controller once

The service menu is now added as the last submenu in "Settings". The following selection menus are available in the service menu of the Car Information Computer
Feltételezzük, hogy a gps kábel csatlakoztatva van?
Lehet, hogy kódolás, lehet, hogy nem.... Ilyen helyzetekben tartalék GPS utángyártott antennát használok, csatlakoztatom és a műszerfalon hagyom, majd ellenőrzöm a jelet.
Engedélyezheti a szervizmenüt is, és ellenőrizheti az egyszerű gps pozíciószámokat.
A Start menü felhívása

Nyomja felfelé a vezérlőt (bal oldali Fxx navigáció nélkül, vagy üzleti navigációval) legalább 10 másodpercig

A 3. vezérlő jobbra detent

A 3. vezérlő balra detent

Az 1. vezérlő jobbra detent

Az 1. vezérlő balra detent

Az 1. vezérlő jobbra detent

Nyomja meg egyszer a vezérlőt

A szervizmenü most a "Beállítások" utolsó almenüjeként kerül hozzáadásra. A következő kiválasztási menük érhetők el az Autóinformációs Számítógép szervizmenüjében


Üdvözlöm! Kipróbáltam utángyártott GPS antennával, de a GPS pozíció még mindig ott van!

Tudna nekem segíteni, hogy mi az a 3. vezérlő és az 1. vezérlő? Van erről képed?
Welcome! I tried it with an aftermarket GPS antenna, but the GPS position is still there!

Can you help me what is controller 3 and controller 1? Do you have a picture of this?
Did the mechanic say in the past that aftermarket GPS an tenna is not good for the MINI? so it's bullshit?
Can you help me what is controller 3 and controller 1? Do you have a picture of this?
Those are rotations steps/clicks.
Did the mechanic say in the past that aftermarket GPS an tenna is not good for the MINI? so it's bullshit?
BMW or Mini it doesnt matter. I dont know what you mechanic is talking about but for diagnostic purposes it is perfectly fine.
Next step would be verify FDL coding file.
Check these options in Your HU_NBT2 coding file:




If needed, then can check via remote session.
Check these options in Your HU_NBT2 coding file:




If needed, then can check via remote session.
Maybe you could check this remotely, I'm not asking for free, I'm paying for it, and I should know what tools are needed, what is needed?
If someone were to take a look at the programming from afar, but still can't do it, can they restore the current program, because now everything works except GPS?
Maybe you could check this remotely, I'm not asking for free, I'm paying for it, and I should know what tools are needed, what is needed?
Stable internet and enet cable for connection to car.
Send me PM and will talk about when.