GM DPS Development Programming System 4.51


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Jul 10, 2022
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GM DPS Development Programming System 4.51 The latest version as of June 2022, with the much needed improvements and new features.
DPS Release Version 4.51.0000

(1) New IECS access module.
(2) Key provisioning bulk unlock.
(3) New DIDs in GCI.
(4) Removed capture dialog.
(5) DoIP stability improvements.
(6) General application improvements.
DPS Release Version 4.50.0000

(1) New DoIP setting which allows for messages larger than 4K bytes.
(2) Added Isuzu UDS.
(3) Message retransmission indicator for UDS.
(4) Changed log file time resolution to have millisecond precision.
(5) Added ZF UDS.
(6) Removed ipv6 menu option.
(7) Added new log messages upon interpreter errors.
(8) Removed run utility only option.
DPS Release Version 4.49.0000

(1) DPS Sequential Programming Enhancement. New logic so that unique time delay values can
be added between the programming events.
Contact "[email protected]" for current "sequential documentation".
(Sequential Programming User Guide.pdf - rev 1.13 - May 2021)
(2) Provide the DPS user the ability to override Network Management Frame data for VIP/GEM
communication events when a Gateway module is not present on the test bench (Back side
of gateway testing). The Network Management Frame data is not consistent between Model
The override data is contained in a "VcsConfig.txt" file located in the root \DPS\ folder.
(3) Add logic to extend the Response Timeout for VIP (GB) ECUs based on the size of the transmit
data message. Support for excessively large STmin values (20ms).
Note: Only applicable for when a CGM is gating messages.
(4) Miscellaneous minor enhancements and bug fixes.
DPS Release Version 4.48.0000

(1) Added new set MEC to 0 archives for VIP.
(2) Added new erase SBAT DID F0F8 bin file.
(3) License verification enhancements.
(4) Added new help links, new Get Status window to interrogate DPS system status.
(5) Minor bugfixes.
DPS Release Version 4.47.0000

(1) Changed RID 020E payload from FF 00 00 to FF FF FF.
(2) Added new PEC errors.
(3) Interpreter enhancements.
DPS Release Version 4.46.6000

(1) Changed GEM and Global B “Protocol and Communication Settings” to include selections for with and without Gateway.
Partial Network Wakeup messages will only be sent out when the user selection indicates that there is No Gateway.
(2) For Global B communications on a vehicle 'with a Gateway' (CGM), DPS will could wait up to 20 seconds for ECUs to wake up.
During the wait, the mapping matrix may be rebuilt 3 times until conditions are optimal.
(3) Inclusion of support for Global B DoIP with respect to Sequential Programming.
(4) Inclusion of support for Global B DoIP with respect to SuperSession Table (SST) programming.
(5) Key Provisioning: Eliminated superfluous Extended Diagnostic Session request (10 03) prior to writing ECU slot data to reduce the amount of IECS server requests.
(6) UDS Op Code 01 – Inclusion of Ethernet Routing Subnet setting via AC2 parameter (DoIP).
(7) Sequential Programming will continue on even if one of the sequenced events fails.
(8) Miscellaneous other updates:
- Minor UI changes.
- Changed certain timing parameters to encourage successful communication.
- Added very small delay around tester present messages for Class 2 protocol.
- Fixed a minor bug in the UART interpreter.
- Minor enhancements to the GMLAN interpreter.
- (Type4 Developers) Fixed a bug in which spawning a Type 4 could result in an incorrect CAN FD variant.
- Attempting to unlock a GMLAN ECU via the DVT security Levels 03/04 in DPS will result in a fatal error. DPS does not support DVT Unlock.
- DIMSUM UDS, change m_P2cTimeout from 150ms to 500ms (stability).
DPS Release Version 4.45.3000

(1) Added new certificate search criteria for certificate installation notifications.
DPS Release Version 4.45.2000

(1) Fixed a bug causing dubious results during super session events.
DPS Release Version 4.45.1000

(1) Fixed a bug causing 5-byte unlock to fail for new DPS users.
DPS Release Version 4.45.0000

(1) Fixed a 5-byte security DLL reference issue with GMLAN protocol (Get Controller Info).
(2) Created new license and certificate installation process.
(3) Data log file updates for GM UDS Unlock and Key Provisioning IECS functionality.
(4) Modified Key Provisioning logic to support ECUs that have uninitialized KP slots.
(5) OpCode updates based on the current (2019) Interpreters (utility file) document: GM UDS OpCodes $2E, $31 and $02 (new). Common OpCode $60 (placeholder).
(6) Add support for reading (Get Controller Info) and writing (ECU Bypass Ticket) for SBAT Installer GM UDS DID $F0F8.