And what did you do?just to add a litte note from an old experience with CIC , if CIC has old software , then 1B read via USB can't be done as it happened with me personally.
I have ICOM and 100 other tools/ways to pull 1b from headunit , I had access to BMW S-gate where I was able to pull FSC repair kits that includes 1b .And what did you do?
I formatted the flash drive as you wrote and everything worked. Thank you.I moved Your question to separate topic for easier discussion.
Attached working 1B file extractor.
- Which USB socket are You using?
- Is file placed in the root of the flashdrive?
- In what format is flash drive formatted? FAT32 will work.
- If you put mp3 files in the flash drive - does the headunit recognizes them?
- In some cases if flashdrive was before formatted as GPT, then Windows formatting will not format it correctly so that CIC unit recognize it.
Use Rufus to reformat it as MBR and FAT32 with default allocation.
You have to get 1B file and generate it.Can you generate east motion 2024.7 FSC code ? Please