BMW NBT EMMC pinout for reading without desoldering

Dear Admin,
Im in proccess of mounting of resistors in pcb board of emmc. Do you know also each of the values of 4 resistors?.
Im having difficult in soldering them. So tiny resistors and tight place.
Thank you!
1;2;4 are 47R0
3 is 0R0 (jumper)
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You dont need to remove them fully, move aside and just leave them attached to the one of the pad. Thats how you wont lose them.
I didnt lose them, but Im having difficult in soldering, which try for many times and I think I have broke them.
I didnt lose them, but Im having difficult in soldering, which try for many times and I think I have broke them.
Last post on my topic. I decided which one to solder where. I used a 400 degree hot air dryer + soldering iron. Don't overheat the shit.
I didnt lose them, but Im having difficult in soldering, which try for many times and I think I have broke them.
what version of hw do you have? As far as I remember the alpine head unit?
If you have trouble soldering unleaded solder/parts then just add fresh, leaded solder and it will be easier to work with.
@AlexBM yes it is Alpine unit. I am not good with leaded solder. I try with leaded solder but it spread all over so I return to classic soldering.
After I received transistor, try to return resistors and transistor back in plate, but now when I try to boot unit, it doesnt even see E-sys.
No magic solutions rather training and proper tools. Unleaded solder have higher melting point and it is "harder" to work with if have less soldering experience.