BMW FSC repair pack requests

Hi there,

Can i ask for an FSC-repair pack? VIN is:

Thanks in advance!
Kann ich auch bitte ein FSC-Reparaturpaket haben??

Hann mir keiner helfen??:(
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Hi All,
Im new on the Forum.
Maybe its not the right place to ask or it is, but what is FSC repair kit?
Hallo nochmal!
Frage: Habe ich irgendwas falsch gemacht? Dass ich kein FSC-Reparaturpaket kriege??
Bin neu im Forum!
Kann ich bitte eine Antwort bekommen?
Danke für die Mühe!!
Hallo nochmal!
Frage: Habe ich irgendwas falsch gemacht? Dass ich kein FSC-Reparaturpaket kriege??
Bin neu im Forum!
Kann ich bitte eine Antwort bekommen?
Danke für die Mühe!!
Don't expect anyone is obliged to provide it!!!

Don't forget to hit the thank you for your time button.


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And also be respectful towards others by writing in forum language which is English
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Erwarten Sie nicht, dass irgendjemand dazu verpflichtet ist!!!

Vergessen Sie nicht, auf die Schaltfläche „Danke für Ihre Zeit“ zu klicken.
Sorry my English ist not so good!

Habe nicht erwartet, dass jemand verpflichtet ist, dachte nur, ich hätte es falsch gemacht!
Sorry für das Missverständnis!
Nochmals vielen Dank für die Mühe und Zeit!!!!
I'm new to the forum and I have a question.
How long is the code (FSC) for the navigation update valid?
Please can I have an FSC pack for WBA3F92010F203499
Many Thanks
Pls help me to generate FSC repair code.

VIN: WBAWX31010LW42177

Thanks so much
Would anyone be able to provide a repair pack for me please? I've retrofitted CIC and changed the VIN but I don't have any FSC's. VIN is WBAVB12050KU95042 many thanks
Repair packs are only bmw originally issued certs.
You need to patch unit to upload self-signed fsc.
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BMW has changed the way people login to their systems , 2FA is now required to be activated for each account with limited amount of devices for 2FA apps, which means all people who used to use someone's login are no longer able to login and download FSC Repair kits .

It wont be as easy as before to get FSC repair kit , because BMW now can monitor who's downloading and what has been downloaded.